Select Team·  A select team is usually associated closely with a rec league, meaning you need to be enrolled in a rec league to be eligible to play in a select league. Typically, tryouts are in the fall for select leagues. A select league is designed for the higher skilled rec league player who is looking to get additional practices and play in a few tournaments throughout the year with a higher level of competition. Many rinks offer a select team and they are directly linked with the rink. Each rink will have a slightly different way of handling these teams and the quality of play will vary accordingly. Do your homework, but this is a great way to get your kid playing at a higher level without the schedule and commitment required of a travel team.

Some of the local Select Teams are:

Tourney Team – A tourney team is one that has various players from the area to compete at different tournaments across the state and/or country. These teams very by age group and can sometimes have travel, in-house, or independent players on the team. Some examples of tournament teams include BearCat Academy, Battery Hockey Acadamy, and SouthEast Elite. You are more likely to find a tournament team in Spring and Summer. Most of the travel programs have Spring Travel Teams as well. Reach out to your respective travel team to find out more.